Things are going a little slower than I would've hoped.
First of all, Flash CS5.5 stopped working the other day.
I tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it, and I got Flash to work again just this morning. But it's acting strange, because stuff like the CTRL+N command won't work. Right now, while I'm writing this, Flash will open, but soon after, it'll display an error with the InPageError description. so...
EDIT: Flash started to make my computer unable to do shit so I had to uninstall it. Stuff will be back in a lot of optimistic weeks, give or take a couple days.
Third of all, I'm working on another short.
You know, the one I talked about in one of the news posts I made within this week. I can't hide the surprise any longer, so to keep myself sane, the new short is a recreation of a scene in Count Olaf's trial in The Penultimate Peril (Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events) So...
Edit 10 June 2021: That project's dead.