Newgrounds' #1 dunce. I hate myself.

Jesse @midgetsausage

Age 18, Male


Joined on 1/6/18

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midgetsausage's News

Posted by midgetsausage - December 7th, 2024

sketcfh cpllab



Entry by @Chuw-Crossantier

final release date is December 21st, winter solstice

shortest day of the year. why don't you spend that night watching the Sketch Collab?

i've added all the people that got in the collab.

if you didn't make the cut, you can still post your entry on this here site


I am pulling out all the stops.


when this is finished, it will appear in a very special collab

... around the 4th week of December. this is necessary because, as you can see above, I've only completed 32% of the comic. that's nearly 1/3 finished. I hope to ramp up progress while still not compromising quality.

in 3 days, it'll be a year since File 1 came out!


"Hitwoman Jennifer Austere recounts an awry casino experience brought on by her

drunken frenzy, much to her business partner Arthur Brooks' dismay."

16 pages, publ. December 10, 2023

I'm so glad this scrappy comic has received a lot of praise for its art, story and writing, especially given that this is pretty rushed and I don't really look back on it as fondly as, say, File 3. But I will forever cherish it as I finally got Cooper Bullet off the ground after so long!


tankmas is fine. i'v just been jerking off and opening presents. haven't really done anything for it ever since, I might make more costumes and other UI elements and whhfrhhgrhrhghrghgfg this is boring asf (not) i'm gonna go jerk off again!



Posted by midgetsausage - November 25th, 2024



file 4's in production. it'll be called "robbery gunchild"

(i am NOT actively working on it at this moment)

I'm working on this piece of shit on and off. hell I'm not sure I can release this thing before the year ends, but I'll do my best.

If you want to reread past Files, now would be a good time.

fast facts

1 - it is shaping up to be the best file I've written and illustrated yet


story is... actually pretty good. as well as the art; you can tell i've been reading a whole lotta junji ito. (well, read. halloween's over teehee) i have a much better understanding of what makes Cooper Bullet'a art click and I will try to lean more heavily towards that.

but yeah. writing improvement, art improvement, is cool. what else?

2 - it is, surprise surprise, just marginally longer than File 3


a lot of the pages are just these full page spreads, as I feared I was doing a lot less backgrounds as I probably should've been. and also because half the time I'm sick of purely character-focused art and wanted to draw more stuff where the characters are integrated into the environment, which is its own character.

3 - for the first time in cooper bullet history, jenny and arthur don't argue


Files 1, 2 and 3 set a pretty bad impression for Jenny and Arthur's relationship. they're mostly seen fighting and/or being negative towards the other person.

that was not the intention at all, but it's my fault for not really showing another side to their relationship.


the overall minimal amount of negativity brewing from the characters honestly makes the whole File a lot more fun to work on.

when my schedule is free, I'd love to devote all my time in this comic again. I wish to give the world a story actually more worth reading this time.



same as it ever was, though it's nearer where I want it to be

lots of development has happened ever since I restarted development this April. lots of cool new shit. still tons of missing shit, but eh.

I still have a long way to go, but hey, I've come a long way anyway from my iPad ibisPaint years.

if you really want to play it now, go here.


It's an earlier build from weeks ago and contains the new door mechanics... I think. if not, whoops. otherwise, check back in a couple more weeks.


  • The Sketch Collab 2024 form has closed. Many thanks for your participation. I'll begin editing when I am free.
  • I will be returning to a collab I hold dearly in my heart as it helped me reach where I am today. Unfortunately, I can't say much. Even if I'm allowed to say anything, I just refuse to.
  • I've also made a new entry for an old collab that's gonna release.... in some time. idk. again, not allowed to peep a word. but just know it's there and it's cool and you're gonna love the new overall collab.

how are you holding up?

been really into painting as of late.

the painting technique I use is one I developed myself. I call it "tipsy painting". You don't actually need to be tipsy to do tipsy painting, but I suppose it helps.

tipsy painting is where you make the art look like it was painted by somebody tipsy. I can't really get into the specifics of how it works, but it IS simple, just requires you to at the very least be able to visualize light and shadow properly.

here is a speedpaint where I demonstrate tipsy painting.

the brush I use is the same built-in Photoshop brush that Valve used for Team Fortress 2 assets.


I also have been sleeping late a lot now. no, it is not fun.

folks, if you're still reading, please sleep early and drink lots of water. I know that shit sounds corny but they're true. you need sleep and water.

take care of yourselves, love yourselves, keep your optimism close and your insecurities closer, and go jerk off to huntress wizard from adventure time. fuck marceline and pb and all the other princesses. huntress wizard the only one hot in that show.

her and fionna.



Posted by midgetsausage - October 13th, 2024


file 4 is in pre-production

if ur curious about the other 3 files, give them a read :3

I have recently optimized their file sizes so they should load quicker for everybody now



Posted by midgetsausage - September 6th, 2024

Sit down, boy. I'm about to tell you a story........

Once upon a time, there was an animation collab. It was called the Sketch Collab.

Now, for more than 15 years, the Sketch Collab, in concept, has always been simple.

Every year (except 2018, for whatever reason), a bunch of animators make a series of short sketched animations that's 5-10 seconds long.

The collab organizer(s) then compiles all of them into one sweet collab with background music playing over it.


For this year, I am the sole collab organizer, as @Ozone had to disappear into the wilderness of the Australian Outback, doing god-knows-what with also-god-knows-what.

After being part of the collab for three years now, I thought I'd shake this collab's tried-and-true formula up a bit, conceptual-wise.

so introducing



This time, the animation will be synced up to the music!

Rather than just have background music play over the entries with little rhyme or reason, I thought it'd make for a good viewing experience to see all the animations have something to do with the music.



Unless they're actual clarifications, I don't want to see you nerds asking questions unless you've really read the rules!!!!! >:C And I mean, really, really, really read the rules, from top to bottom, every word inside and out, ad nauseam.


"What click track?" THIS click track.

This is an eight second long 120BPM click track. This is also what you will be animating to.
All you have to do is simply make your animation be timed to the beat. That's it! And feel free to approach this any way you like, by the way. Things don't have to look like a rhythm game that strictly follows the beat's timing.


Nothing more, nothing less. Mustn't be 7.9 secs long, or 8.1 secs long, but exactly eight. Any entries that exceed eight will be trimmed down, and any entries shorter than that will be rejected.


Some people added a few colors in their entries last year. They were dealt with accordingly.

I'm kidding. As long as your entry is still predominantly black and white/grayscale, a little color can go in. Don't go overboard, though, or I will personally send you a rejection letter myself.

3. THE ANIMATION MUST HAVE NO SOUND (apart from the clicktrack)

Unlike last year, not even light sound effects this time is allowed, as it will conflict with the music. Sorry, fellas.

PLEASE KEEP THE CLICKTRACK IN THE ENTRY!!! I will use it to time the entries to the music, so it's important you keep it in!


We're just trying to be safe and we want to put an emphasis on YOUR creations, so try not to make fan-art. Anything that has a lawyer waiting for us is a no-go. This does not include anything indie, unless that "anything indie" also has a lawyer waiting for us too.


By "tweens", we mean computer-generated tweens, like Adobe Flash/Animate's Classic Tweens. Not literal inbetween frames. Use whatever shortcuts you want, as long as it's not tweens.


Stick to the T-rating, please.


WE, no, I WILL PUT YOUR NG USERNAME ON THE CORNER OF YOUR CLIP. Don't worry, everybody WILL be credited. I'm not a hack.

Did something confuse you? Read again. Still confused? Read it again. Grab a dictionary. Read it again.

Any entries that don't follow all the rules will be flat-out rejected

You can however resend your entries many times you'd like if there was an error/adjustment. I will trash your older response in favor of the new one.


16:9 resolution, must be AT THE VERY LEAST 1280x720.

Use any framerate, but I recommend 24 or 30 FPS.

Any video filetype that VLC Media Player can read is fine.

White background, no color (!!!!!)


We prefer you wait for the collab to come out before posting your entry publicly.

No watermarks. If last year's Sketch Collab was anything to go by, some of you guys can't read.

Ready to submit an entry?

Submit it in the Google Form below!







Posted by midgetsausage - August 10th, 2024

before anything else, my twitter got nuked lmao

out of nowhere in a thread I made, I told James Corden to kill himself. now, full disclosure, I still think he should. but regardless, Twitter (edit: actually probably a James Corden fan who looked up his name, or maybe Corden himself, as it was a user report and not Twitter's filters) didn't like my swan song "kill yourself James Kimberly Corden".

anyhow, I have a new account! unlike my previous account, I will only (okay, like 99% of the time) post art and other shit I made!!! that means no bullshit, no political anything, just creative works whenever I can post any.

i would appreciate if you guys would follow it, as it only has 64 followers as of writing this post!!!




shameless promo pt. 1 over! anyway


"TWO HITMEN. LOADS OF CONTRACTS. ASSORTED TARGETS. Murder-for-hires Jennifer Austere and Arthur Brooks don't realize it, but they're one step at a time slowly rising to infamy with each kill... at the behest of Bloodpool, the agency they're employed under."

Hi! I haven't really been active much, but that's because I've mostly been working on my own projects. One of which is my comic COOPER BULLET, which I've already released three... issues? Chapters? Stories??? Files. I just call them "Files" to avoid confusing myself.

Here's all three Files so far! The first two take maybe no less than a couple minutes to read, while the last one might take longer. File 3 is 35 pages. That's more than twice the amount of pages File 1 has.

I hope you'll enjoy reading them!!!!!




"Hitwoman Jennifer Austere recounts an awry casino experience brought on by her drunken frenzy, much to her business partner Arthur Brooks' dismay."

16 pages, publ. December 10, 2023

*was also an entry for @KittyhawkMontrose's Sweet Sixteen Comic Contest




"Arthur is ready to shoot an important target at the best possible moment... until he gets interrupted by a phone call."

6 pages, publ. June 24, 2024




"The pair are after a drug dealer evading their every step. Jenny, unbeknownst to Arthur, seems to be secretly making the whole thing go HER way."

a whopping 35 pages, publ. August 4, 2024


right now, I am on break, so no Cooper Bullet. I am hard at work on other things!!! (wasting my time, sleeping in school, jerking off, doin shit) so see you!!! happy reading!!!! :3





Posted by midgetsausage - December 21st, 2023

Oh hey.

Sorry if I haven't really been on here as much as I used to be, unlike last year or last last year.

Been more busy doing my own thing or two, and I'll get to what those are later.

I give you, in return, three tunes I made, which I'm immensely proud of.

I also went back and remastered some few favorites. And by "remastered" I mean "plugged dozens of Fruity Waveshapers and EQs in each audio track and somehow it came off better than expected".

Where had I been? Well, my life's undergone some pretty big changes ever since the start of the year, however I won't share what said changes were as they are very personal and I'd like them to remain private.

I will instead show what I have been doing, and I promise they are very fuckingly interesting, because these are two very important things in midgetsausage history. This year, I have essentially brought two of my biggest projects to life.



If you're familiar with me and my work, then you're familiar with Charlie, this weirdly energetic wide-eyed girl who dons a red beanie and shows up in a lot in the stuff I make.

Very fun personality, very fun to draw, and I'm sure many will agree with those sentiments. But did you ever stop to wonder where she came from, or why I made her in the first place?

The thing is, she was always meant to be a video game protagonist from day one. The problem was, I didn't know how to make video games! The ideas for her game were there, I just didn't have the know-how to actually make the game. The closest she'd ever been to being in an actual video game was when I animated her game for Round 5 of @BrandyBuizel's 2021 Summer Animation Jams.

And thus she remained game-less.

... until very late April of this year. I decided she was game-less for far too long enough. I forced myself to learn Godot, and eight months later we finally have a functional playable A Waste o' Time... very very very rough game/prototype!



The game is still in a very VERY basic state. It has a long way to go, but on the bright side it has also gone a long way! If you wish to play it, you can play through this NG preview here, or you can play it on itch.io if that suits you more for some reason. It would be nice if I could get some feedback after you played it! Though I won't force ya.


Jennifer Austere, one of the sharpest gunslingers of her time. And, unfortunately, also one of the drunkest. In terms of midgetsausage history, she has one hell of a development history involving lots of changes since her very inception.

A year earlier, I had attempted to get Cooper Bullet off the ground. It was set to probably be around 20 pages, but production was taking a long ass time, to the point where a single page took months to make. It was imo kind of overproduced, and by the time the last few batch of pages were released, I had already hated the comic's story. (It's so, so bad, like, genuinely. I had a hard time summarizing the story to someone else, it's that bad.) So I bailed! But I still hoped for the comic to get off the ground one day.

A year later, @KittyhawkMontrose announced the Sweet Sixteen Comic Contest. It was here where I [WON FIRST PLACE WITH COOPER BULLET] and [RECEIVED THE GRAND PRIZE OF 999,999,000 DOLLARS] and also [MADE TOM FULP MY BOTTOM BITCH]. Alright alright, jokes aside [(NOT)], I am genuinely happy that Montrose gave me an excuse to stop lazing my ass off and actually get Cooper Bullet off the ground.

Gonna go off into a tangent on how this comic was produced, because I feel like it's an underappreciated aspect of the whole thing. Basically everything was drawn in Adobe Flash CS6, my animation program, apart from the comic's cover, which is an old reused illustration drawn in ibisPaint. I had settled on a looser, sketchier, messier style which matched the way I doodled with pen and paper.


This was especially useful because that meant if I did NOT want to draw a panel digitally, I could just draw it with a trusty ballpoint pen on my sketchbook, "scan" the panel and import it in Flash. Vice versa worked too, because if something was really complicated for me to draw on paper, I could just import the sketch and ink the drawing digitally.

I'm honestly glad a lot of people enjoyed [THE BEST F#%$ING COMIC IN THE SWEET SIXTEEN CONTEST EVER], and I'm hoping you guys stick around for more. Because I have a lot more. And you will read it. All of them. It is an order. [YOU WILL READ EVERY COOPER BULLET COMICok this bit is stupid i'm sorry

I still find it funny that these two projects both got used as contest/jam entries. And I still genuinely think it's made even funnier by the fact that I didn't win anything in either of them.

No idea how to end this thing. What am I supposed to write? I have nothing promised for next year, or the year after that, or the year after that.

At the beginning of the year I withdrew myself from doing collabs, only releasing the Friendly Frog Collab and my part for Kill Boe 3 as these were things I had initiated the year prior. In doing so, I realized how much more fun working on your very own stuff was, stuff you've spent more than a year planning and thinking about, instead of trying to make everyone laugh with something done quickly that still disappoints you years later because you feel it is wildly misrepresentative of what you're capable of. Mein Gott! Working on something YOU actually like... is way better! Mind blown epicly....

Though it doesn't appear like it, I feel I've been much more productive this year. I'm now working/worked on my two biggest projects. Here's to hoping my determination and motivation to work remains consistent.

Around this August I began my first year of senior high school (feelipino education) and it's absolutely stress-inducing. But I'm glad I've... persevered thus far. I've completed the first semester and am gearing up for the second this January, and I have no idea what to expect either. Alas, it seems I will end this year still just as confused as I was at the beginning of 2023.

Cheers, everybody, and merry Christmas. Sorry for the severe lack of Month-to-Month Midgetsausage 2023, there wasn't anything fucking interesting to highlight in every month of this year apart from I drank way more alcohol than expected of me.




Posted by midgetsausage - September 29th, 2023

unrelated, but happy 100 posts!

hey baby (unspecified)......

sorry i was gone for long (again)......

i was, uh, busy drinking my misery away.......

dw baby i got a present, delivered same way as last time...........






We also (kind of) have a Discord server for this.

It's NOT REQUIRED, but feel free to join anyway.




Posted by midgetsausage - September 20th, 2023

This is a letter of regret, remorse, and a final farewell.

The ultimate sequel to The Bitter Truth.

This is to all of my supporters, my friends, and those I consider my family. This is the hardest I've ever been, and it's my deepest regret that I will be exiting the Sonic vore fanclub, and maybe further than that if necessary. I want to thank you for all the good years you've given to my life, as I expect everything to be over for me soon. There is something (I need you to guess what it is instead of having me directly acknowledging it) circulating about me in messages, and I'm not going to try and deny or disprove it... because it's true. It's something I deeply regret from years ago, and I wish I could take back the damage I've done.

I really don't fucking know what to write here, like it caught me off guard she'd actually leak that shit lmao, I figured she'd just move on. So I'mma say I actually got therapy and everything. Back then I became the very thing I despised in others. I wasn't a good person those years ago, so I've worked to improve over the years in various forms of therapy, all that shit. Blah blah blah, I apologize to the person I affected online. (I also need you to guess who she is.)

I'm too much of a fucking pussy to actually say what I did so here are some awesome fucking quotes: never give up on your goals, practice self-care, don't let anger destroy you, don't overstep boundaries, and most importantly, never give up on therapy, or you might end up hurting someone else from not getting that help... like I did. See? I just made scathing remarks directed at myself, like I'm gonna do again and again in this post, hoping to gain sympathy from you guys.

I truly am sorry, I'm disappointed in myself, I never meant to hurt anyone, I wanted to help people, etc., etc. I won't say what it is as I am ashamed to say, because I don't actually wanna admit that shit LOL, I'll just assume you know. As the kids say, "IYKYK", haha lmaooo. Actually, it wasn't my fault to begin with! It was actually HER fault that she got groo— uh, "g-word"-ed by me, as I've said to my good friend @Shal, who hopefully wouldn't leak that shit because if so then I'm REALLY fucked.

This is how it all ends for me, and sadly this is probably what I'll be remembered for, as my past is my undoing. I wish I never did some of the things I did (which I will, again, never disclose, because I'll be real with you. I only wish they didn't get uncovered), and I have to live with that....but when I lose everything and everyone, I don't know if I'll have anything to live for anymore when it's all gone, yadda yadda, all that shit, pls no lev me.

This is farewell. It's been an honor to be on Newgrounds for 20 years, 17 on this account. Most people will probably hate me by now when they find out what I'm talking about (because, then again, NOT disclosing that shit LOL) I'm sorry for having disappointed all of you, and myself. I need you guys to understand I am incredibly lonely which is a totally perfect excuse as to why I did that shit.

For the past year after progress in therapy, i promised it would never happen again to anyone else, and it hasn't since [citation needed]. At the very least, people will be safer when I'm gone even though I made that promise. People will be happier. I'm nothing. I'm just a stick on the mud. All I do is harbor pain and sadness in this world... I'm nothing...

Connection terminated. I'm sorry to interrupt you, Elizabeth, if you still even remember that name, But I'm afraid you've been misinformed. You are not here to receive a gift, nor have you been called here by the individual you assume, although, you have indeed been called. You have all been called here, into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune. A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize. You don't even realize that you are trapped. Your lust for blood has driven you in endless circles, chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near, yet somehow out of reach, but you will never find them. None of you will. This is where your story ends.

I have accepted the potential end (I say potential because I believe I have a chance of coming back. You wait and see) coming in sight, and it's my fault. I don't ask for forgiveness, or understanding, or justification, that wouldn't be fair to the person involved, to anyone. But I ask that you learn from my mistakes, for those who followed me this long, and to do better than I did. 

Oh yeah, will Y'ALL shut the fuck about about my furry Discord alt Wuffers99? It's a perfectly good account with a perfectly cute blue doggy icon, perfect for grooming teenagers. (I should know, I'm in my thirties!)

Goodbye I guess?

Take care, people of Newgrounds.

- midget sausage



The following is something I should have said from the beginning and my departure from internet society.

I'm sorry. I should have been a better person. I'm sorry I hurt as many people as I did, I never wanted to hurt the world, This isn't asking for forgiveness, I'm admitting that I was wrong for what I've done. (I'm still not saying what "what I've done" is.)

Yadda yadda. Should've only just apologized, but unfortunately I can't help myself.


- midget sausage


Posted by midgetsausage - January 29th, 2023


!!! UPDATE !!!

Hi hi hi. If you don't know what the Friendly Frog Collab is, it's just an animation collab anyone can join where animators, well, animate a 5-10 second clip of a cute frog doing anything. More info in the original newspost.

Now, onto the actual news...


But, you know, I honestly don't care if you pass at any date after February 3, because I'll probably still consider adding it. So don't be too pressured with your animated lil' frog. Take all the time you need.


can y'all animate something else other than just a generic frog swatting a fly with its tongue lmao

I counted like... 10 entries that did exactly that. Can we... have less of that? They don't even really do that to begin with, they just more or less pounce on whatever they're eating.

that's all. hav fun. it's 6PM and I have dozens of other homework due in 6 hours so byeee

As for other midgetsausage projects, I am actively working on a game project, but I feel like I shouldn't reveal it yet at the behest of my co-collaborator. Apart from that, nothing much.



Posted by midgetsausage - December 23rd, 2022

and the frogs came a-croakin as I announce the


A collab centered on everyone's favorite amphibians!

(yes, toads are allowed)

This collab is intended to be a spiritual successor to @Taka's Cute Cat Collab!

Don't ya wanna take some time off to relax and look at some very friendly frogs?

The idea for this came from rewatching two frogs, my first solo Daily Winner, and five frogs, which was something I made to celebrate 900 fans. The latter is where the Budgett's frog in the collab's logo came from!

Make a short animated clip of frogs (or even just one frog) doing anything, even nothing! They could be...

  • sleeping
  • eating bugs
  • scratching their gooch
  • yawning
  • chilling in a pond
  • karaokeing
  • friendly fighting with each other
  • being held/caressed
  • screaming because they were held/caressed
  • looking at the camera and just being happy you're here
  • looking at the camera and lunging at it because it thinks it's food

Anything as long as they're cute while doing it, and the entry feels good!



  1. Your entry must be animated, even if the frogs in the video are doing nothing. Like at least animate them breathing or something.
  2. Your entry must be 24fps, and must be between 5 and 11 seconds long. Entries below and/or above that limit won't be considered.
  3. Aspect ratio must be 16:9, what resolution your entry is is completely up to you.
  4. You're free to add sound effects as long as they aren't too loud, but please no music as much as possible, as we're gonna overlay music on top of the entries a la Sketch Collab.
  5. Make and send as many entries as you want, just remember that quality > quantity matters more here.
  6. Absolutely no NSFW. Do not desecrate God's most sacred of creatures.
  7. Lastly, your entry needs to be a video file, preferably .mp4/.mov!!!! Though if you really really wanna be in the collab but you really really can't export your stuff as a video file, I'm willing to make exceptions.

One more thing: there is no formal sign-up of some sort.

No need to ask me if you're allowed to join, because everyone is!

If you can make an entry, make one! If ya can't, well, sorry.

Any animation medium is allowed. Pixel frogs, polygonal frogs, vector frogs, pencil sketch frogs... the more the merrier!

I also recommend you try animating different types of frogs. There's more than one type! Don't just settle for a generic green blob of a frog.

To submit an entry...

Upload your entry first to your Google Drive (or any filesharing service), then PM me a link to it. Discord, Newgrounds PM or Twitter DM, whatever.

But please know that just because you sent me an entry does not fully guarantee you'll end up in the collab!

You'll know your entry was included when I send you a project invitation.



Above all else, I hope everyone has fun.

Much like the Cute Cat Collab that inspired it, this is intended to be a feel-good collab.

Just hoping nobody stresses out over this collab!

