got bored while working for my new show, so I started to work on a new short.
the last one was trashed. but there's no reason that this new video will ever be trashed soon.
to show you why, I'll give you these four pictures, serving as an answer why - and as a sneak peek.

actual mf color.
I originally didn't plan to have color in any of my videos when I was starting out and decided to use the second picture's color scheme, but seeing its potential, I decided to use it here.
in a historical note, @XwaynecoltX asked for some color when I posted my old webcomic Suicidal Penguin on this site.
this new improvement means that the show and the rest of my videos will have color, if I'm not too lazy while working on it.
p.s. planning to reanimate arthur, get out of the tank with said color and polishing, but I don't have the time. besides, it looks pretty fine.
I hope this will benefit my movies. yes, I admit, going all-white is blinding me.
so... here's a toast to the new improvement. hooray.