It was still nice. Not quite like how it used to be, however, or maybe I'm just getting old.
I had one hell of a good week.
First of all, second place!!!
@Xinxinix must've really liked my Concept of Love entry so much that he made it the second place winner!
I didn't get the money though because of reasons I wouldn't disclose, but I can tell you that I gave it away to a good lovely friend of mine instead.
Second of all, front page! :D
I found out that my entry got second place AND got frontpaged, at the same time!!! (I could die peacefully at this point)
Unfortunately I wasn't around to see it happen—I was sleeping—but it did happen! I'm still happy about that.
And third of all, 200 FOLLOWERS!!!
This means a lot to me; thank you to every single one of you :>
Special thanks to @ValerieSpider for being the 200th, go give her a follow!
The rest of the stuff that happened during this week are all personal, but it involved finally completing all my school requirements to pass the third quarter! Big thank you to @smallphroge for helping me, nyehehehehehe
... wait, what do you mean "midgetsausage clicked the Post to Front Page box" pfftt I clicked nothin
Looks like everything came out ok.