Newgrounds' #1 dunce. I hate myself and I'm tired.

Boris @midgetsausage

Age 18, Male


Joined on 1/6/18

Exp Points:
6,159 / 6,400
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Vote Power:
6.58 votes
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3y 11m 26d

@UnculturedMutt My entry is already good. But the organizer meant that I can send another one if I want to do better.

@Simoes1000 alright

Finally something for me
This will help combat my laziness

I have some EENY TEENY questions that will probably never be responded to, but here goes anyways Lowl.

What do we place as a background?
Plus I want to be credited as Flammenwherer, but I can settle for my newgrounds persona. (Not really a prob)

Are you also damn sure I’ll be here? I’m just traumatized for asking for a scene in another collaboration since Feb 14 to September
Which is damn well over 200 days, Oman-Saudi-then back home Dubai. (I’m a travelinin’ man(indeed Ricky Nelson refrence)) while everybody else had one for doing nun’

Dammit I left another paragraph for you to read, sorry and take it easy brah.

(Edit) sorry for the Yak Yak yak, I know it’s only 8 seconds (which is 92 frames on my rate, 12) for entry.
But ya know, trim down if a lil longer right, RIGHT?

Please just settle for a white background!!!!

We only use one's NG username and not some other username. This is to help viewers know who the artist is, and they can find you faster!

I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but if it's about fearing you'll be rejected, you don't have to worry about that as you only need to follow the rules. The bar is astoundingly low.
We don't reject entries based on quality, we reject them based on whether or not the guy who made the entry can follow simple instructions. If you can do that, you're good.

Listen, someone sent in a 40-second demo reel complete with background music that's not even 120BPM. I don't know why the hell they did that. You could be a whole lot worse.

@KingCrowned i agree. [joins]

This is going to be a fun one.

Sounds interesting, though I'll have to pass - my animation skills are non-existent lol

i might join this

Neat! I always wanted to join an animated collab

might pass on this year since i've been so busy :( but im hoping it'll bang like the last one too hahah

@KingCrowned oh hey it's you

what is a Gketch Follab?
sorry, stupid joke


@RosieUV ya… hi

interesting. might give it a go

What if we use an animation program that has a watermark by default, and hypothetically we don't have the funds to buy the premium version of the app. Would we not be allowed to make an entry?

You still are. We have had people use this hypothetical animation program before in 2023 and Ozone would do a good job removing the watermarks.

Unfortunately he never told me how to do that, but fortunately I can improvise, so just don't animate on the area where the watermark would show up! (Or just get a crack of the damn thing if you're an Android user.)

Oooh, sounds like my kind of collab

Sounds fun I've seen People do collabs for years and wanted to be apart of one


have given it a go lolololol

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