This is it. The sequel to An Evaluation of the Miserable Twelvemonth, one year apart.
Buckle up, dudes and dudettes. We're in for a long read and there won't be any TL;DRs anywhere.
Alternatively there's a Twitter thread that says the same shit, but in 14 tweets.
check out my special stuff too lol
This is

Fresh outta Tankmas.
Nothing too special happened, which is unfortunately a common occurence for the next few months, with the exception of February.
... I did win @Pyronator's art raffle thing, though.
The month when I won more than a hundred and fifty dollars! I came in second at @Xinxinix's Concept of Love contest where I drew a 5-6 page comic showing different metaphors for love, mostly objects like strings and such.
Unfortunately I couldn’t receive the prize money so I gave it to a good friend, who in turn generously me a 30 dollar Google Play gift card. Not too shabby!
Birthday on the 15th! I jokingly and pretentiously called it Noneday for no reason. Either way, I celebrated hard while receiving a handful of gifts.
One dude gave me Clip Studio Paint, I still have no idea how that happened.
I also teased a new project.
These three months followed, which was a long period of time when nothing too interesting happened to me personally. I was just making art for the hell of it, and I hit a mental rock bottom around May, and it would remain like that for a long while before I decided to get back up my feet again.

That and I celebrated Pico Day.
This is when my year slowly started to get interesting—after a long period of nothing, I received 300 fans, and I celebrated by releasing my first animation in months!
That’s because prior to that, I received a nice handmedown laptop; and with that thing, I got to work on an entry for @Snackers and @Luis' Bike Slide Collab!
Enter @BrandyBuizel and Summer Jams. With my newfound freedom to animate whatever the hell I wanted, I wasted no time ( :)) ) on working on my Round 4 entry, where I animated @Smallphroge forcing a nauseated animated persona of me to dance with her.
Won 12th place, that ain’t too bad~!
Enter Brandy and Summer Jams again! ... sorta. I dedicated the entire month of September on Round 5...
In the meanwhile, I called up my good friend @zachs234 and happily ported An Ordinary Adventure on Newgrounds. It received surprisingly positive reception (frontpaged and won Daily 5th!!!), and god damn we couldn’t stop smiling for days.
The month I released the greatest thing I’ve ever made (yet): my Round 5 entry, a fake trailer for A Waste o’ Time, my dream game.
Lots of time (heheh) and hard work went on making everything look authentic: art, music, animation and all!
iiMangoo was happy enough to lend her beautiful voice for Charlie, and I’m still guilty I only ever used 4-5 out of the 20 voice clips I asked her to record... :///
I’ve had lots of respected artists told me they were fooled by how real everything looked, and they were all interested in seeing it be an actual game. Despite the trailer only receiving 7th place (was sort of hoping it’d be at least 6th or 5th, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers) it was still a HUGE accomplishment for me in all levels.
The calm before the storm.
@zachs234's An Ordinary Adventure: Forgotten, which had a dishearteningly lukewarm welcome when it came out, was frontpaged! Now everyone was made aware of the game, and the ones who gave it a chance got to play something that was leagues better than the first game.
It even started with a bang, when @SplatterDash dropped Tankmas ADVENTure 2021.
And the first track that played in the game came from, surprise surprise, me!
I composed it with the intention of being a warm welcome to the village in the game, and just as I hoped, lots of people loved it!
Sketch Collab 2021 came in next, organized by @NickConter and @Ozone. I had finished my intentionally rulebreaking entry for it months prior, and the collab arrived a bit late because of the collab organizers being pretty busy.
Regardless, the collab did really well!
@RGPAnims’ Holiday Network was a perfect choice for an animation swan song, since it had been on their backlog for an entire year now! I had slacked on my... interesting entry for 3 months, for better or for worse. (It was originally gonna be a condom ad.)
To top that off, one of my artwork got frontpaged on the 24th! I had now appeared in all 4 Newgrounds portals, and each one of them were frontpaged, a cool ass milestone.
Over the year, I've stumbled a lot and felt down in a lot of places. There were lots of accidents, mistakes and regrets. That's okay, we keep on moving.
As long as you want to improve, and as long as you really dedicate yourself to improvement, you can—albeit slowly—steer yourself to be the best version of you that you'll ever possibly be.
But you can't do this shit alone, that's crazy impossible. You'll need great friends that are good to you but won't lie when you need improvement the most.
So speaking of which,
@smallphroge and @totallypez, both my dearly beloved
@Kraikein, @Wendigo, @Jatmoz, @0chin, @Chdonga, and many other fantastic people in this friend circle, god damn it I love you all.
@Tacopug, i love u, for the love of god do not check ur cc's balance kk thanku
@zachs234, @carvtoons, @Kilomatter, @Scaless, even if times get hard, I don't wanna be separated from you four. You all dear to me.
@RGPAnims, @Xinxinix, @Seth, @StaggerNight, and at least a good portion of @BootRotRascals. All of you are people I'd never thought I'd be friends with but here we are.
Everyone on Newgrounds, you too @TomFulp.
There are still lots more friends out there that I unfortunately forget to mention—it's like fookin 3:30AM when I wrote this man cut me a break—but I know you're out there, I know ya readin' this post. I love you too as much as you hope I do. (if ever. like, if u ever hoped I did, I mean. idk. i fumble a lot)
I've improved on my music and art a lot, so next year I plan to improve my animation!!! Here's to more stupid funny garbage next year, and—eventually—actial genuine masterpieces soon! If my attempts fail, well...

... and remember. Whenever you think you're ready to throw in the towel, don't. Trust me, even if it looks like it's the only option you have left.
also god bless u @brandybuizel